Vegetables By Acres Produced
Data Reported as Farm Area
Asparagus, non-producing (acres) |
Asparagus, producing (acres) |
Green and wax beans (acres) |
Beets (acres) |
Broccoli (acres) |
Brussels sprouts (acres) |
Cabbage (acres) |
Carrots (acres) |
Celery (acres) |
Chinese cabbage (acres) |
Cauliflower (acres) |
Cucumbers (acres) |
Green peas (acres) |
Lettuce (acres) |
Dry onions, yellow, Spanish, cooking, etc. (acres) |
Other vegetables (acres) |
Peppers (acres) |
Pumpkins (acres) |
Radishes (acres) |
Rutabagas and turnips (acres) |
Shallots and green onions (acres) |
Spinach (acres) |
Pumpkins, squash and zucchini (acres) |
Squash and zucchini (acres) |
Sweet corn (acres) |
Tomatoes (acres) |
Total vegetables (acres) |